.est 1969
For over 50 years, area sailors, friends, neighbors & families have gathered for casual summer racing on the brilliant waters of beautiful Stonington Harbor each Wednesday night.
. . . .
March 2020 introduced our Globe to the realities of COVID-19 isolation.
The Stonington sailing community gathered that spring to do what they’ve always loved. Sail.
This short film honors the wonders of community sailing, friendship, endurance and our amazing harbor. Enjoy.
A special thanks to Sam Greenfield for his accomplished drone photography & reporting to memorialize this time in history so beautifully.
Notice of Race
Races shall occur each Wednesday of the summer June 19 through August 21 wind and weather dependent.
1st gun is at 18:00ish, 2nd 18:05ish, 3rd 18:10ish, 4th 18:15ish, 5th 18:20ish.
Small, medium, “big” sailboats 20’ or under are welcome to race within their class as detailed below or determined by the Race Committee.
No registration & no fee.
Check in with boat type & sail # at the Race Committee boat A.K.A. The Ding Dong.
The Race Committee boat / starting line is located mid-harbor opposite the commercial fishing dock.
Immediately following the races, competitors, family & friends welcome at Stonington Harbor Yacht Club for post-race results, dinner & cocktails.
See Complete Details Below
Marks & Starts
The below details are meant to serve as a guideline for racers. Your boat classification, course and start time should be confirmed with the Race Committee on race day.
Inquiries may be forwarded HERE.
E.g. Highlander, Wayfarer, SeaRail, Corinthian
Start-B-C-Regular Finish clockwise
orStart-C-B-Regular Finish counter-clockwise
E.g. 420, JY15, Hartley, Cape Dory Typhoon, Hunter 14, Flying Junior
Start-A-C-Regular Finish clockwise
orStart-C-A-Regular Finish counter-clockwise
E.g. Optis, Cape Dory 10, Sunfish, Hartley
Start-A-D-Regular Finish clockwise
orStart-D-A-Regular Finish counter-clockwise
IDEAL 18s (separate class)
Start-B-C-Regular Finish clockwise
orStart-C-B-Regular Finish counter-clockwise
LASERS (separate class)
Start-B-C-Regular Finish clockwise
orStart-C-B -Regular Finish counter-clockwise
Windward marks A, C, D are orange tubes
B is the red/green mark off Stonington Point
Marks are always in same positions
Once or twice around depending on conditions
Real time information concerning weather delays or cancellation will be reported via email, word of mouth at boat launch & Facebook @StoningtonWedNiteRace
The Race Committee shall determine:
• Courses
• Boat classifications
• Weather delays
2024 Schedule
6/19 Season Opener
8/21 Season Finale Race & Awards Dinner
Post-Race Dinner & Drinks
Dinner Details:
Immediately following the races competitors, family & friends are welcome at Stonington Harbor Yacht Club for post-race results, dinner & cocktails immediately following the races.
A Special Wednesday Evening Dinghy Racing Menu will be provided & include casual dinner selections (think burgers etc) plus a dessert item.
Dinner & cocktails will occur in spite of race cancellations due to weather.
Dinner pre-orders should be placed prior to racing no later than 3:00pm. Call or click red buttons below.
Weekly dinner menu to be emailed via the SSBA website list serve. Sign up here
Upon arrival at SHYC please visit the bar to "check in". The bartender will then prompt the kitchen to fire your pre-ordered dinner.
Non-SHYC members should start their food and beverage tab for the evening at the bar.
Payment Details:
Adults: $15 ($13 for meal & $2 SDC donation)
SHYC is a cash free facility
Beverages beyond water not included
Guests of SHYC may pay via credit card only
Scoring & Results
The name of the game is fun.
That said, scoring is based loosely on the Portsmouth Handicap Scoring System
Results presentation follows dinner each Wednesday evening
End of season Awards & Dinner.
Race committee always welcomes volunteers! Especially folks with power boats to act as safety boats.
A Taste of History
…a bit, there’s a lot